Monday, July 7, 2008

Twin Cousins

Okay, so I've been informed that I am pretty lousy at blogging. Oh well! The kids have had so much fun lately getting to play with all their cousins. This is Adam with his twin cousin Ellie. For those of you who don't know, they were born on the same day within an hour of each other, but on different sides of the country. Technically Ellie is older because she was born first, but due to a six hour time difference Adam was born earlier in the day. Sorry if that's confusing. We went up to Jenn's and stayed for a few days and took the kids to the beach. Of course my kids were worried about sharks and jelly fish and the things you find in the ocean. This was a lake with a beach sectioined off so I might have told them that the divider kept all the scary snakes and sharks away just too make sure they didn't wonder to far away. It worked wonderfully!
Still no concrete news on where we will end up, but thank you all for voting! We love you all!