Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Adam's First Birthday.

Okay so my little boy is one year old. Isn't he so handsome, just like his daddy. He started walking on his birthday. I thought it would never happen, but finally he is takeing steps. We keep waiting for it to get cold but no luck yet.

For Adam's birthday we invited the Kim and Dave and their kids over for cake and ice cream. They were nice enough to take a picture of our family after we commented that we don't have a family picture that actually has Adam in it. So thanks Kim!

Adam has watched Lauren eat cake too often I guess, or maybe they are just born with it, but all he did was eat the frosting, or get frosting all over his face, however you chose to look at it. I was thinking about all of our other kids and the huge parties we had on their first birthdays with so much family around, it made me sad and I felt lonely for a little bit, but we really are enjoying the area and the ward. The mountains are beautiful. Our apartment isn't huge, but if you ever need a place to stay out here in Utah give us a call.

First Day of School

So this is a picture of Katelyn's very first day of Kindergarten. We moved into our apartment finally on Saturday and the folllowing Monday the kids started school. We can walk to school and it's lots of fun. I was a little stressed out with the mess in the house so we took this picture after Katelyn got home from school. Out here Kindergarten is half day so Hailey was still at school so I have no pictures of her and her fist day of second grade. However, when I tool the kids to their classes, Katelyn barely gave me a second galnce as she ran off with her teacher, Hailey on the other hand asked me to stay with her until the bell rang. I love feeling loved. Poor Lauren wants to go to school so bad.

Hoover Dam

So I thought after seeing it in Transformers that it would be much more impressive, but it wasn't. We took a little detour on the way home from Arizona stopping at Ryan and Susie's in Vegas. Hence, we got to go over the Hoover Dam. I really wanted to see the Grand Canyon, but after going over some other Dam, I figured that it was close enough. I was ready to be home, even if it was a hotel. At least it was a bed and cable tv and no more driving.

Hailey's Birthday

We drove down to Arizona for Hailey's Birthday. Can you believe that she is 7 already? One more year until she is baptized. I think we have moved almost every year right around her birthday, poor girl. One of these days she will get a really great birthday party, but until then we had fun. She got some Hannah Montana stuff and we had a chocolate cake from Sam's club. I don't know whose child she is. Anyway, enjoy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Climbing Rocks

Okay so I only have one son, and he is in that cute phase where he can do no wrong. He is sitting in a dump truck in his church clothes at Aunt Jenn's and I thought it was so cute.

Adam loves to splash in the water that collects in the bottom of the dishwasher and Hailey likes to spike his hair up.

So we drove across the country a couple of weeks ago and found a cool rest stop just inside the Wyoming state line. The girls were desperate to get out of the car and move around. There was also a park, which kept their interest for about five seconds, then Hailey asked if she could climb on the rocks. Sure, why not! They had a blast. I really can't complain. The kids did great on the trip with not much complaining at all. I love my little troopers. It's great to finally be here with Jeff. We love the mountains and can't wait for snow (I'm scared), but the kids and Jeff can't wait for snow.

Katelyn fell asleep in one of the hotels along the way and fell off the bed. She did not wake up and would have slept the night away like this if I had not put her back in bed.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Twin Cousins

Okay, so I've been informed that I am pretty lousy at blogging. Oh well! The kids have had so much fun lately getting to play with all their cousins. This is Adam with his twin cousin Ellie. For those of you who don't know, they were born on the same day within an hour of each other, but on different sides of the country. Technically Ellie is older because she was born first, but due to a six hour time difference Adam was born earlier in the day. Sorry if that's confusing. We went up to Jenn's and stayed for a few days and took the kids to the beach. Of course my kids were worried about sharks and jelly fish and the things you find in the ocean. This was a lake with a beach sectioined off so I might have told them that the divider kept all the scary snakes and sharks away just too make sure they didn't wonder to far away. It worked wonderfully!
Still no concrete news on where we will end up, but thank you all for voting! We love you all!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

New At This

I am very new at the whole blogging thing, but seeing as how we have moved around so much in the past little bit, I thought blogging sounded like a great way to keep in touch with all of our friends across the country. To let all of you know we are currently in Atlanta GA staying with Jeff's parents, looking for a job and trying to rent our house in Auburn AL. Life just keeps getting crazier. My kids are happy to have some boys to play with, their Nanny and Pappy to love and two dogs to feed all of their leftover food to.